Everyday at ECU Health, we provide families with support and healing healthcare. We apply our best minds to our communities’ biggest health challenges. As a loyal donor, you have supported the life-changing treatment, care and hope that ECU Health provides. We couldn't do what we do without you. Thank you!
With the end of 2020 approaching, there’s no more impactful way to invest in the health and well-being of our eastern North Carolina community than by joining the Circle of Hope. As a Circle of Hope member, you provide meaningful, steadfast support, through recurring monthly donations, that can be put to work where it’s needed most. Will you complete our Circle of Hope?
In healthcare, the ability to respond as needs arise is critical, especially during an unprecedented crisis like COVID-19. Your continued support of ECU Health will allow us to provide equipment and supplies to protect patients and employees, as well as financial assistance to patients without resources for care-related expenses.